The Duck Club is located in the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary next to the IRWD water treatment facility. Due to construction there, access via Riparian View off Michelson is now closed. The new entrance is off Campus Drive. It’s shorter and prettier, on a new, smooth, two-lane road. To get there:
From Jamboree, go south on Michelson. Pass the old entrance and continue to Harvard. Turn right on Harvard. At University Drive turn right again. At Campus, turn right and stay in the far right lane, which leads to the right turn to the Duck Club.
From Culver, pass Michelson and continue on to University. Turn right and continue to Campus Drive. Here’s the tricky part: When leaving, it’s right turn only onto Campus. Take Campus directly north to Jamboree for access to the 405. Along the way, Carlson cuts across to Michelson for an easy return to Culver and vicinity.